About ‘Darien, the Jungle of Death’

A special report by Folha, presented in five chapters, depicts the migrant crisis in the forest between Colombia and Panama towards the United States

A footnote led Folha to the province of Darien, in the far east of Panama, the arrival point for hundreds of thousands of immigrants crossing the dangerous jungle of the same name on their route to the United States.

Reports from Panama’s National Migration Service analyzed last September contained the observation that virtually all Brazilian migrants on the journey were minors. The outline of the journey began.

Reporters Mayara Paixão and Lalo de Almeida spent six days in the region, from late January to early February. They visited the indigenous community of Bajo Chiquito, the Immigration Reception Stations of Lajas Blancas and San Vicente, and the port of Puerto Limón. These are the main points where immigrants who survive the crossing are concentrated.

In a total of more than 60 interviews, conducted both beforehand and during their stay in Darien, Folha spoke with dozens of immigrants, as well as members of indigenous communities, humanitarian organizations, and state authorities.

With five chapters, “Darien, the Jungle of Death” portrays the stage of the most serious migrant crisis in the Americas currently.

INFOGRAPHICS COORDINATION Mayara Paixão and Lalo de AlmeidaIDEATION Mayara PaixãoEdição de textos Juliano MachadoEditor de fotografia Otavio VallePhoto editing Lalo de Almeida Photo retouching Edson Salles and Fabiano VitoGraphic Editor Kleber BonjoanCOORDINACIÓN DE INFOGRAFÍA Adriana MattosInfographics Gustavo QueiroloDISEÑO Irapuan CamposDEVELOPMENT COORDINATION Rubens Fernando AlencarWeb development Rubens Alencar and PilkerTranslation Azahara Martín Ortega